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The Strad Magazine June 2014 Zurück Ausgabe

91 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Music (Classical)
Only €5,99
We examine a 1774 Guadagnini violin that has survived in almost pristine condition, and talk to string players who have set up their own festivals. Concertmaster Glenn Dicterow recalls his time at the New York Philharmonic, and orchestra principals discuss the works of Strauss. Plus Leonidas Kavakos gives a Masterclass on the Brahms Violin Concerto
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The Strad

June 2014 We examine a 1774 Guadagnini violin that has survived in almost pristine condition, and talk to string players who have set up their own festivals. Concertmaster Glenn Dicterow recalls his time at the New York Philharmonic, and orchestra principals discuss the works of Strauss. Plus Leonidas Kavakos gives a Masterclass on the Brahms Violin Concerto

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Issue Cover

The Strad  |  June 2014  

We examine a 1774 Guadagnini violin that has survived in almost pristine condition, and talk to string players who have set up their own festivals. Concertmaster Glenn Dicterow recalls his time at the New York Philharmonic, and orchestra principals discuss the works of Strauss. Plus Leonidas Kavakos gives a Masterclass on the Brahms Violin Concerto
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For over 125 years, The Strad magazine has dedicated itself to the world of string music and has been a faithful companion for all lovers of the beautiful craft. Over the years, this magazine has boasted exclusive contributions from some of the world’s most renowned stars, including Joshua Bell, James Ehnes, Alban Gerhardt and Hilary Hahn, to name but a few. Each month The Strad magazine continues to deliver unparalleled and unique coverage of all things string!

In each issue, you’ll find all the latest news and updates in instrument research and technology, interviews with the world’s finest players, conductors and makers, uncompromising performance and recording reviews, invaluable playing technique guides and a whole host of exclusive features!  

Whether amateur or professional, since day one, The Strad has been for all lovers of string music and is dedicated to enhancing your enjoyment of this fine craft. So if you love string music you’ll love a subscription to The Strad Digital magazine!

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  • Free and exclusive, digital subscriber-only content
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  • Instant access to the latest digital edition
  • Exclusive interviews with the world’s biggest string players
  • All the latest string music news from around the world
  • Expert performance and recording reviews
  • Updates on the latest advancements in instrument technology
  • A discount off the RRP price

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Basierend auf 91 Kundenrezensionen
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The Strad

It is simply superb. I learn so much! And, you're nice to violists!
:) Many thanks & best wishes....mel g., dayton, OH USA
Überprüft 15 Juli 2020

Great clips!

I bought the May issue to see what the fuss was about. It was great to be able to hear sound clips from Thomas Ades' violin concerto while reading the article about it, and the clips form the top CD reviews too. The full-page photo gallery for the viola da gamba is interesting as well. And nice that it's cheaper than the usual version! Überprüft 02 Juni 2014

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