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Total 911 Magazine Issue 228 Zurück Ausgabe

41 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
It’s the first production 911 to be built specifically for off-road use. We take it for a drive on ice at Zell am See, Austria.

The new head of the 911 production line talks to Total 911 about the Neunelfer’s short- and long-term future.

PORSCHE INDEX: 911S Everything you need to know about the early 2.0-, 2.2- and 2.4-litre Porsche 911S, with key advice from experts.

Total 911 celebrates half a century of one of the most successful race cars of all time, and appraises its impact on motorsport.

Kyle Fortune visits Porsche’s new headlight development facility at Weissach to understand how the technology is set to develop.
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Total 911

Issue 228 NEW 911 DAKAR FIRST DRIVE It’s the first production 911 to be built specifically for off-road use. We take it for a drive on ice at Zell am See, Austria. FRANK MOSER INTERVIEW The new head of the 911 production line talks to Total 911 about the Neunelfer’s short- and long-term future. PORSCHE INDEX: 911S Everything you need to know about the early 2.0-, 2.2- and 2.4-litre Porsche 911S, with key advice from experts. 50 YEARS OF RSR Total 911 celebrates half a century of one of the most successful race cars of all time, and appraises its impact on motorsport. PORSCHE HEADLIGHT TECH Kyle Fortune visits Porsche’s new headlight development facility at Weissach to understand how the technology is set to develop.

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Total 911

Been reading the print edition since issue 17 and I picked up the earlier issues on CD. I love the great photography and the clear and often clever storytelling that all good writing demonstrates.

There are only two negatives that I can think of. One, there seems to be some danger in focusing on only the 911. Could such a narrow focus lead you to not see other trends in the market? Sort of like Morgan still using the ash frame. While Ferrari's performance improves by leaps and bounds, the 911 gets its meager 20 to 30 HP bump.

Two, the mags must be shipped on a slow boat to China as they are at least a month past their sell-by date when they finally arrive at my local bookstore here halfway between the homes of your contributors Ron Lang and Ben Przekop.
Überprüft 12 Juli 2020

Total 911

The greatest Porsche magazine for a decade and a half.
Keep up the great job!
Überprüft 16 März 2020
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