Total Carp  |  Aug-14
Check out the August issue of Total Carp magazine – the app from the UK’s biggest-selling carp fishing monthly.
There are nearly 200 pages packed with features, tactics and advice to help you catch more and bigger carp and there’s quite a line-up of anglers. Dave Lane, Ian Chillcott, Ian Russell, Kev Hewitt, Darrell Peck, Alan Blair, Tom Maker, Mark Pitchers and Jack Brown are just some of what we reckon must surely be the best line-up of carp anglers on the planet, and they’re all in this issue
We’re not going to spoil it for you and tell you what they’re doing, just download this issue and enjoy it for yourselves.
There’s a huge section on gear where we test the latest tackle, bait, gadgets and gizmos in the magical world of carp angling.
Download it before our competition deadline (August 25th) and you could win yourself a brilliant Transporter Barrow and luggage from Chub, plus a huge bundle of PVA from 30Plus.
All of this plus much, much more, all in the latest issue of Total Carp. It’s an absolute cracker!
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