Total Carp  |  December 2024
The December issue is now on sale so buckle up because at this time of year you need to be armed with all the right info, and we’ve got all that for you right here…
Whether you’re kicking back reading in the comfort of your home or braving it in the elements, this month you can enjoy the regular features from anglers such as Mark Holmes, Oz Holness, Dave Lane, Oli Davies and more.
We have Neil Spooner headlining for our cover, with a lovely near 40lb common from Norton Disney in what is going to be the start of a regular feature.
Editor Jake and Ian Russell shake things up in the Troubleshooter series showing deep water tactics and, in a separate feature, Jake Wildbore delves into deep-water fishing on Elstow.
Rig Anatomy makes a welcome return with Broady Broadbent showing his super-neat Slip D rig that tripped up a 50lb common last November.
Alongside all this, we have a tonne of new gear reviews, plus giveaways from Sonik and Wallop Clothing to keep you up to date and kitted out.
Get the December issue now – it’s packed with everything you need to keep catching this winter!
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