Total Tattoo  |  June 2013 (No. 104)
Issue 104 is out now! This month features a great interview with Dane Mancini with his unique take on the world. We catch up with English globetrotting tattooist Olly Jerrold en route from India to Stockholm, and sample the delights of Domantas Parvainis who is busy taking realism to new heights. We look up Sage Cushman, aerial artist. We showcase the flamboyant art of Darren Wright in this month's Private View, with an all-exposing Mugshot from Mr Martin Crosthwaite of Flaming Gun in Essex.
Our massive Gallery Plus section is packed with tattoos featuring Timepieces, Ladies and Gentlemen, Japanese, Blooms and Feathered Friends and there are reports from the Mondial du Tatouage, The Scottish Tattoo Convention and Budapest, plus all our regular features.
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