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TKC Magazine May/June 2022 Zurück Ausgabe

19 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
Total Kit Car: May/Jun 2022This issue we have some more entertainment for you -

AK Sports Cars - The Ultimate AK427? Packing possibly 1000bhp here's a storming example of the breed.

Davrian - History File - An underrated British kitcar marque, Adrian Evans' company supplied a lot of kitcars to many happy customers. Here's their history.

A Tale of Two Starleys - The editor came across the Starley Sprite at a Lotus event several years ago and accidentally discovered a second one. Here's the tale ...

Vital Spark - SEBRING RETURNS - Warwickshire-based company is preparing to re-launch the much-loved Sebring International marque. They won't be available in kit form anymore, but they will continue to service the existing owners with their requirements. The new ones will feature ELECTRIC power.

Industry Greats - JOHN BARLOW - one of the greatest kitcar designers, but also one who doesn't like fuss. He likes his cars appearing in magazines but he doesn't like being in them. We finally managed to sit down with John to round up his sparkling car designing career.

Rebel EXOBUSA - We sent former Triple C magazine editor, Steve Bennett along to Ely for a look at Rebel Performance Machines' new EXOBUSA demonstrator.

Reader's Drive - Gary Hughes' Davrian Mk5 restoration. An amazing story behind this one. Gary first spotted this car as a child and ended up owning it as a grown-up. He's just completed a 25-year restoration job!
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TKC Magazine

May/June 2022 Total Kit Car: May/Jun 2022This issue we have some more entertainment for you - AK Sports Cars - The Ultimate AK427? Packing possibly 1000bhp here's a storming example of the breed. Davrian - History File - An underrated British kitcar marque, Adrian Evans' company supplied a lot of kitcars to many happy customers. Here's their history. A Tale of Two Starleys - The editor came across the Starley Sprite at a Lotus event several years ago and accidentally discovered a second one. Here's the tale ... Vital Spark - SEBRING RETURNS - Warwickshire-based company is preparing to re-launch the much-loved Sebring International marque. They won't be available in kit form anymore, but they will continue to service the existing owners with their requirements. The new ones will feature ELECTRIC power. Industry Greats - JOHN BARLOW - one of the greatest kitcar designers, but also one who doesn't like fuss. He likes his cars appearing in magazines but he doesn't like being in them. We finally managed to sit down with John to round up his sparkling car designing career. Rebel EXOBUSA - We sent former Triple C magazine editor, Steve Bennett along to Ely for a look at Rebel Performance Machines' new EXOBUSA demonstrator. Reader's Drive - Gary Hughes' Davrian Mk5 restoration. An amazing story behind this one. Gary first spotted this car as a child and ended up owning it as a grown-up. He's just completed a 25-year restoration job!

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Issue Cover

TKC Magazine  |  May/June 2022  

Total Kit Car: May/Jun 2022This issue we have some more entertainment for you -

AK Sports Cars - The Ultimate AK427? Packing possibly 1000bhp here's a storming example of the breed.

Davrian - History File - An underrated British kitcar marque, Adrian Evans' company supplied a lot of kitcars to many happy customers. Here's their history.

A Tale of Two Starleys - The editor came across the Starley Sprite at a Lotus event several years ago and accidentally discovered a second one. Here's the tale ...

Vital Spark - SEBRING RETURNS - Warwickshire-based company is preparing to re-launch the much-loved Sebring International marque. They won't be available in kit form anymore, but they will continue to service the existing owners with their requirements. The new ones will feature ELECTRIC power.

Industry Greats - JOHN BARLOW - one of the greatest kitcar designers, but also one who doesn't like fuss. He likes his cars appearing in magazines but he doesn't like being in them. We finally managed to sit down with John to round up his sparkling car designing career.

Rebel EXOBUSA - We sent former Triple C magazine editor, Steve Bennett along to Ely for a look at Rebel Performance Machines' new EXOBUSA demonstrator.

Reader's Drive - Gary Hughes' Davrian Mk5 restoration. An amazing story behind this one. Gary first spotted this car as a child and ended up owning it as a grown-up. He's just completed a 25-year restoration job!
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tkc mag is an exciting bi-monthly magazine for enthusiasts of kit and specialist sportscars, old and new, and is the definitive title for devotees of wind in the hair motoring.

tkc mag is catering for modern/classic, new/used, foreign/British specialist low volume cars and is carefully targeted at those actively owning, driving and aspiring to a vehicle of this type, and the distinctly different lifestyle that goes with it.

tkc mag is the comprehensive and authoritative source, featuring road-tests, news, product reviews, practical and technical features on all sectors of the specialist vehicle marketplace. We also look back at old kitcars.

We are a small independent publisher with an editorial team who between them have over 75-years of knowledge and experience in this niche and exciting world of low volume vehicles.

Available bi-monthly, tkc mag is jam-packed neatly rounding up the whole specialist scene every eight weeks.

The tkc mag team is also behind the fast moving totalkitcar LIVE events.
tkc mag is the publication for you if you are interested in LOW VOLUME, HIGH OCTANE MOTORING. After all LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO DRIVE BORING CARS

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Interesting magazine for car lovers Überprüft 31 März 2020

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