Toy Soldier & Model Figure  |  237
This edition features a special section commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armistice signed Nov. 11, 1918, to end World War I. The highlight is an article by James H. Hillestad reflecting on a period of history that still has echoes today. Jim uses artifacts and military miniatures from his U.S. Toy Soldier Museum to illustrate five fascinating vignettes emblematic of the Great War in an anecdotal fashion. Kevin S. Gerych delivers a report on how the Michigan Military Heritage Mu-seum commemorated the WWI centen-nial during an August 2018 weekend full of activities. Yours truly chimes in with one of my “6 Things You Might Not Know About …” trivia essays focusing on WWI’s “game of thrones.” On the special events front, yours truly covers all the action at September’s Chicago Toy Soldier Show. Also, Jake Jacobs delivers a report on an August gathering staged by the South Carolina Military Min-iatures Society. Elsewhere, Jordan Whitmire shares his “Collector’s Story.” He chronicles how he got into our hobby as an adult and the en-joyment he derives from exploring history, collecting and building dioramas. Joseph Reed recounts how his home-town in England is connected to British Army Capt. Louis Nolan, one of the main protagonists of the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War. As usual, there’s lots more in store in this edition, so please start turning the pages, enjoy and, as always, happy col-lecting! Happy holidays too!
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