UltraMarine Magazine  |  Jun/Jul 2015
I remember hearing the phrase: ‘we aren’t keeping fish, we’re keeping water’ back in my freshwater days. Whilst you can argue this assertion back and forth for days, the point is well made, that if you get the water right, so much else can follow, but get it wrong and well…we all know what will happen. So thanks to Tristan Lougher for his excellent series on getting started in the hobby and in this instalment, really digging deep into the world of that often baffl ing subject of water chemistry.
I also really enjoyed Richard Smith’s piece on the fish life of the Lesser Sunda Islands, despite being a little jealous of his lifestyle, you can’t help but be impressed by his photography and the fact that even though the world is fairly well explored these days, there are still fish left to be discovered which given the plight of the world’s oceans is at the same time reassuring and concerning: think how awful it is that we are losing species so quickly and many might never be recognised. Scary stuff !
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