VMX Magazine  |  VMX Issue 62
Issue 62 of VMX Magazine. Feature bikes include the KTM MC5 400 from 1978, Kawasaki 1988 KX250 and KX500 (both rebuilt to brand new), KTM 350 EXC 1985/6 prototype, the Clews Stroka (early CCM) and the White 125 and 250 from the 1960s. There's several reader resto bikes including a Yamaha YZ125 1986, a Meguro scrambler from Japan, a beautiful Royal Enfield Bullet 350 and a wonderful collection of J.A.P. racers from Ireland. To go with the KTM 350 EXC prototype article, you'll also find a great feature on the man who was given that bike to test, Aussie off-road legend Geoff Udy. Plus, there's reports on the 2015 Aussie Post Classic Nationals, the annual vintage event in Boise, Diamond Don's event in Texas and the Caglio Old Trial from Italy. As always you'll also be entertained by Roger Harvey's cartoon and find the regular columns from Rick 'Super Hunky' Sieman and British Soil from Chris Malam.
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