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Wallpaper* Magazine May 2016 Zurück Ausgabe

7 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Design)
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Claude Parent
Remembering the life of the provocative French architect, who died this year
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May 2016 Claude Parent Remembering the life of the provocative French architect, who died this year

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Issue Cover

Wallpaper*  |  May 2016  

Claude Parent
Remembering the life of the provocative French architect, who died this year
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Launched in 1996, Wallpaper* started as a small publication in London and has since grown to be a globally renowned brand and a leader in the style industry due to its constantly cutting-edge and unrivalled coverage. In its time, Wallpaper* magazine has been awarded 5 British Society Magazine Editor Awards and is known to those in the industry as the authoritative design and style magazine.

Every month, readers enjoy breathtaking features celebrating the bold and boundary-pushing across the design world, covering topics such as design, pop culture, art, travel, fashion and technology. An eclectic mix of reviews, news and interviews to be enjoyed in every issue, alongside exquisite photography designed to inspire readers page after page. Expect to be wowed by Wallpaper*’s collaborations with some of the finest in the industry including Paolo Roversi, Laurie Simmons and Richard Rogers. Wallpaper* is dedicated to bringing readers the most innovative and avant-garde coverage, making it the only place to come for an exciting take on the world of style.

A Wallpaper* magazine subscription isn’t just for those in the know, it’s for anyone with an interest or passion for design and looking to be inspired. With its unique and unrivalled content, Wallpaper* magazine is the ultimate style bible and enjoyed by readers across 93 countries. Why not join them and start your digital subscription today? Download the latest magazine and enjoy Wallpaper* straight away from any device! 

A Wallpaper* digital magazine subscription is a must-have for anyone with a passion for design, enjoy:

  • Unrivalled content from the design world
  • Pushing creative boundaries every month
  • Imaginative, intelligent and influential features
  • Breathtaking photography
  • Limited edition covers, designed by real artists
  • A mix of both classic and temporary styles
  • Collaborations with the best in the business
  • Product recommendations based on both design and substance

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