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Wargames Illustrated Magazine Wi439 July 2024 Zurück Ausgabe

10 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
Only €6,99
The advent of Warlord Games’ Hail Caesar Epic Battles has sent us into Ancients adulation here at Wi Towers. Naturally, we were very keen to get the new Epic scale (that’s roughly 15mm to me and you) models to you as Freebie Frames as soon as possible, and we are particularly pleased at having bagged (literally) five different Epic options for you. The budget/bags can’t stretch to including all five different frames with every magazine (that would be madness!) but if you search through the shelves of your newsagent or hobby store you should find a healthy mix of Carthaginians, Republican Roman, Allied Troops, War Elephants, and Celt Warriors. I suggest that if you don’t get the ‘right’ frame bagged with your first purchase of the magazine, you simply buy two or three more copies until you do!

All five fabulous frames are discussed in detail in our Frame Focus article on page 26. It’s there that you will learn all about the different troop types on your sprue, plus the others that are out there, luring you in from their place on the shelves.

Our Ancients adulation has led us to include a total of six articles about all things classical, biblical, and generally BCE in this month’s magazine. You will find articles looking at Ancient gaming and modelling, big battles, Ancient figure collections, and more besides. When you have had your fill of all things Ancient, you will find lots more in the magazine to inspire your hobby, including our in-depth look at the UK’s best wargames show for demo games (judge for yourself) - Partizan.

I hope you like your new Epic Hail Caesar frame, and that you find plenty more to enjoy in the pages of this Ancients-themed issue.
Wargames Illustrated Preview PagesWargames Illustrated Preview Pages

Wargames Illustrated

Wi439 July 2024 The advent of Warlord Games’ Hail Caesar Epic Battles has sent us into Ancients adulation here at Wi Towers. Naturally, we were very keen to get the new Epic scale (that’s roughly 15mm to me and you) models to you as Freebie Frames as soon as possible, and we are particularly pleased at having bagged (literally) five different Epic options for you. The budget/bags can’t stretch to including all five different frames with every magazine (that would be madness!) but if you search through the shelves of your newsagent or hobby store you should find a healthy mix of Carthaginians, Republican Roman, Allied Troops, War Elephants, and Celt Warriors. I suggest that if you don’t get the ‘right’ frame bagged with your first purchase of the magazine, you simply buy two or three more copies until you do! All five fabulous frames are discussed in detail in our Frame Focus article on page 26. It’s there that you will learn all about the different troop types on your sprue, plus the others that are out there, luring you in from their place on the shelves. Our Ancients adulation has led us to include a total of six articles about all things classical, biblical, and generally BCE in this month’s magazine. You will find articles looking at Ancient gaming and modelling, big battles, Ancient figure collections, and more besides. When you have had your fill of all things Ancient, you will find lots more in the magazine to inspire your hobby, including our in-depth look at the UK’s best wargames show for demo games (judge for yourself) - Partizan. I hope you like your new Epic Hail Caesar frame, and that you find plenty more to enjoy in the pages of this Ancients-themed issue.

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Wargames Illustrated

I would love for you to give some space to the wargamer scene in South America. There are good initiatives going on, especially in Brazil. Überprüft 01 März 2021

Always engrossing

Lots of new games Überprüft 20 Juli 2019
Pocketmags Unterstützung