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What HiFi Magazine July 2024 Zurück Ausgabe

119 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Music (Hi-Fi)
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The latest issue of What HiFi featuring flagship floorstanders from Q Acoustics, Sony's new mid-range over-ears, and Denon's five-star powerhouse AV amp. Top hi-fi engineers reveal their test tracks, phono stages, and reviews of three new turntables. Set-up tips and tricks included.
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What HiFi

July 2024 The latest issue of What HiFi featuring flagship floorstanders from Q Acoustics, Sony's new mid-range over-ears, and Denon's five-star powerhouse AV amp. Top hi-fi engineers reveal their test tracks, phono stages, and reviews of three new turntables. Set-up tips and tricks included.

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Issue Cover

What HiFi  |  July 2024  

The latest issue of What HiFi featuring flagship floorstanders from Q Acoustics, Sony's new mid-range over-ears, and Denon's five-star powerhouse AV amp. Top hi-fi engineers reveal their test tracks, phono stages, and reviews of three new turntables. Set-up tips and tricks included.
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Originally published in 1976, What Hi-Fi? Magazine has been at the forefront of consumer electronics for over 40 years now, acting as a trusted buyers guide for anyone looking to get the very best hi-fi, home cinema, television and home entertainment equipment on the market today.

Self-titled as the home of “the most trusted tech reviews in the world", What Hi-Fi? Magazine provides subscribers with impartial, expert guides on buying and owning the latest and best hi-fi, TV and home cinema technology.

Alongside each month’s selection of in-depth testing, reviews and recommendations, What Hi-Fi? Magazine also features informative advice sections with independent, expert advice and opinion on how to get the best from all your existing equipment too. Popular monthly features include ‘First Tests’ - exclusive hands-on reviews of the newest tech and ‘Temptations’, the top of the range kit on the What Hi-Fi? team’s radar.

Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest reviews and articles on everything hi-fi, home cinema, television and home entertainment with a monthly digital version of What Hi-Fi? - download the latest magazine to your device and enjoy immediately today!  


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  • The world’s number one hi-fi and audio-visual entertainment magazine
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Basierend auf 119 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

What HiFi

Most enjoyable monthly read! Überprüft 08 März 2021

What HiFi

The best magazine for music devices!!! Überprüft 04 Dezember 2020

What HiFi

Always has me drooling! Überprüft 06 September 2020

What HiFi

it would be good to see a comparison review of magnetic cartridges Überprüft 07 Juli 2020

What HiFi

Content is generally good, more reviews of power amps and processors would be good. TVs are featuring more which is nice, so more in depth reviews about the user interfaces would be appreciated. Überprüft 21 Juni 2020

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