Woodcarving  |  Nov-Dec 2010
Celebrate Christmas with us in this cracking issue of Woodcarving.
We reveal the winners of our fantastic Woodcarving Competition as we look at who won Gold, Silver and Bronze in categories of In the Round, Relief and Painted. Plus discover who among the contestants won Woodcarver of the Year!
In true Christmas spirit we have some lovely projects for you to have a go at including a traditional St Nicholas figure from Peter Berry, a fun Santa garland from Paul Bignell, and a festive angel from Maureen Hockley.
Plus Chris Pye shares his amazing koi carp project and Steve Bisco carves a historical Tudor rose.
In techniques learn how to carve a pheasant feather with Bill Prickett, discover knife sharpening techniques with Joel Hull, understand the principles of netsuke, and gather some top tips on using rotary carving blades.
Features include a look at this year?s popular Festival of the Tree at Westonbirt Arboretum.
To complete this edition of Woodcarving, regulars such as Reviews, News, From the Forums, tests, and The Art of Carving continue to inform and keep you updated with all things woodcarving.
Make sure you don?t miss the November December edition of Woodcarving 117.
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