Woodcarving  |  Nov/Dec 2013
In the November/December issue of Woodcarving, Andrew Thomas brings you the first of two parts of a wonderful sea lion project. Chris Pye decorates a pizza paddle with an intaglio design, while Steve Bisco guides you through stone carving on a smaller scale with his limestone swan. Zoe Gertner shows you how to carve a Green Man to your own design, Mike Wood carved and paints and oystercatcher, and in the spirit of the season, Don Swartz hand carves a simple rustic reindeer.
Features this month take us to Rochester, New York, where we meet third-generation Tibetan carver Sampa Lhundup in his new home. Mike Painter reveals some of the optical illusions that make carved letters appear in proportion, we spend 20 minutes with the French carver Johan Roudy, look at the work of Ernie Warren, and Susan Alexander brings us her report on the 47th annual International Woodcarvers' Congress. This month's Art of Carving uncovers a jovial dancing faun uncovered in the ruins of Pompeii.
All this plus a profile on the North Wales and Borders branch of the BWA, news from the world of woodcarving and Carver's Toolbag, our look at some of the best carving tools out there. Another issue not to miss!
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