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Woodturning Magazine June 2015 Zurück Ausgabe

344 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
Only €5,99
In issue 280 of Woodturning, we have lots for you to enjoy. In ‘Projects’, Bob Chapman creates a natural-edge bowl using a local timber; Linda Ferber makes a button cylinder pendant; Jan Hovens shows us how to make a ‘natural’ acorn box and Neil and Liz Scobie turn and paint an ash platter with a decorative leaf pattern.

In our ‘Technical’ section, Andy Coates takes you through the steps for creating a cufflink and tie pin box; Richard Findley looks at the problems associated with using the spindle gouge; Walter Hall looks at the tools and equipment needed for pen turning; Anthony Bailey explains the subtle variation of graduated fluting; Kurt Hertzog explores the vast subject of hollowing and Philip Greenwood shares his tips and techniques for turning wall art components.

In ‘Features’, we speak to Rod Page and find out more about his latticework creations; we find out more about Janice Levi and her workshop and and Vinny Luciani shares a piece with us, which is influenced by his love of the ocean.

As well as all this, we also have our usual ‘Kit & Tools’, ‘Leader’ from the Editor, ‘Community News’ as well as a sneak peek at our next issue.

All this and more in Woodturning 280!
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June 2015 In issue 280 of Woodturning, we have lots for you to enjoy. In ‘Projects’, Bob Chapman creates a natural-edge bowl using a local timber; Linda Ferber makes a button cylinder pendant; Jan Hovens shows us how to make a ‘natural’ acorn box and Neil and Liz Scobie turn and paint an ash platter with a decorative leaf pattern. In our ‘Technical’ section, Andy Coates takes you through the steps for creating a cufflink and tie pin box; Richard Findley looks at the problems associated with using the spindle gouge; Walter Hall looks at the tools and equipment needed for pen turning; Anthony Bailey explains the subtle variation of graduated fluting; Kurt Hertzog explores the vast subject of hollowing and Philip Greenwood shares his tips and techniques for turning wall art components. In ‘Features’, we speak to Rod Page and find out more about his latticework creations; we find out more about Janice Levi and her workshop and and Vinny Luciani shares a piece with us, which is influenced by his love of the ocean. As well as all this, we also have our usual ‘Kit & Tools’, ‘Leader’ from the Editor, ‘Community News’ as well as a sneak peek at our next issue. All this and more in Woodturning 280!

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Issue Cover

Woodturning  |  June 2015  

In issue 280 of Woodturning, we have lots for you to enjoy. In ‘Projects’, Bob Chapman creates a natural-edge bowl using a local timber; Linda Ferber makes a button cylinder pendant; Jan Hovens shows us how to make a ‘natural’ acorn box and Neil and Liz Scobie turn and paint an ash platter with a decorative leaf pattern.

In our ‘Technical’ section, Andy Coates takes you through the steps for creating a cufflink and tie pin box; Richard Findley looks at the problems associated with using the spindle gouge; Walter Hall looks at the tools and equipment needed for pen turning; Anthony Bailey explains the subtle variation of graduated fluting; Kurt Hertzog explores the vast subject of hollowing and Philip Greenwood shares his tips and techniques for turning wall art components.

In ‘Features’, we speak to Rod Page and find out more about his latticework creations; we find out more about Janice Levi and her workshop and and Vinny Luciani shares a piece with us, which is influenced by his love of the ocean.

As well as all this, we also have our usual ‘Kit & Tools’, ‘Leader’ from the Editor, ‘Community News’ as well as a sneak peek at our next issue.

All this and more in Woodturning 280!
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Woodturning is the world’s best-selling magazine for woodturners. Read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide, Woodturning is packed with easy to follow practical projects, and essential advice for both the hobby woodturner and the professional. Every issue includes features on turners around the world, plus well-illustrated techniques, news, reader feedback, detailed tests and reviews. Woodturning excels at appealing to the club community of its readers and actively encourages reader participation in its pages.

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Basierend auf 344 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Highly entertaining

Really great for all those interested in Woodworking Überprüft 19 April 2022


When I started woodturning this was a very educational place to learn. Great information Überprüft 04 November 2021


Interesting content and projects, excellent photos and illustrations, suitable for many levels of turners. Überprüft 26 Februar 2021


Great publication. Überprüft 31 Dezember 2020


This is one of the top two woodturning publications that I know. It covers many of the current practices in turning. It is well edited and is a good value. Überprüft 03 Dezember 2020

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