Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  Autumn 2015
In issue 5 of Woodworking Crafts, in ‘Power woodworking’ the Editor and Mark Baker make ladderback shelving; Lousie Biggs makes a fan display case; Simon Rodway looks at making a Welsh dresser; Amber Bailey tells us about pyrography for beginners; the Editor makes a towel rail and toilet roll holder in small space woodworking; Mark Baker offers some pointers for sanding; Amy Grigg shows her techniques for crafting a wooden spoon; Bob Adsett explains what makes a planer thicknesser tick and how to get the best out of it; and the Editor looks at router cutter techniques.
In our ‘Hand woodworking’ Michael T Collins deals with the age-old problem of panel movement; Peter Wood shows us the correct way to cleave logs ready for turning or shaping; Peter Sefton explores the essentials of hand technique by discussing marking out methods; and we look at sash windows in Woodworking geometry.
Finally, we have lot’s for you to enjoy in our ‘Community’ pages, including; the latest news and events; our ‘Q&A’ page and ‘hints, tips and jigs’ for expert advice; we review three books for you; have our group test; Kit and Tools page, and a sneak peek at our next issue. We also have Woodland Ways with Gary Marshall and look at Men’s Sheds Association UK.
All this and more in issue 5 of Woodworking Crafts, so be sure to get yourself a copy!
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