Digital Photographer  |  Issue 209
There are a number of reasons why the photos that leap out at us on Instagram or online gallery sites do so. It can be the colours, the light, or it could be the composition. If it’s the composition, then there’s an excellent chance that the reason you find yourself looking twice at the photo is
because of the way that perspective has been used to create a dynamic, striking image that makes you see the world in a whole new way. Looking up at a subject makes it seems imposing and dramatic, while looking down
from an elevated perspective provides a kind of overview that can give the
impression that the scene is reduced in scale somehow. In our main cover feature, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at perspective, exploring exactly what it is in its various forms and how it can be applied to different subjects,
from landscapes to portraits, to ensure that even though your photographs are flat, you feel as though you could walk right into them!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Digital Photographer Issue 209.