Ahead of the release of 2019’s album The Enemy: Reality, bassist Johan Erkenvåg said that its songs reflected a political climate that was the worst Wolfbrigade had experienced in their lifetimes. Half a decade of absolute shitshow later, things have only got more dystopian – and the band remain suitably enraged by it all. Life Knife Death is furious, then, but far from one-dimensional. The old dogs might have sprung from Sweden’s fertile crustpunk scene, but they’ve picked up a few new tricks along the way, threading melodic metallic sensibilities and some Motörhead-inspired grooves into their disorderly d-beat charge. Album opener Ways To Die launches into a spurt of frenzied guitar licks before thrashing to a conclusion. There are slower, chuggier moments, too, plus creeping atmospherics and a grab-bag of perfectly formed riffs. These are all delivered with a rasping, punk-fuelled aggression that is perfectly suited to the times. ■■■■■■■
FOR FANS OF: Martyrdöd, High On Fire, Anti Cimex