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Music Teacher Magazine Aug-24 Edición anterior

19 Reseñas   •  English   •   General Interest (Education & Literary)
Only €5,99
MT this month focuses on access and inclusion, from research and lived experience to new opportunities and strategies. There's a report on research into using augmented reality headsets in piano lessons, a personal account of teaching plus raising children with special educational needs and disabilities, and a list of suggestions for how performing, composing and listening can be inclusive of all. In addition, we hear from the head of WCIT at Birmingham’s Services For Education, and from the Darbar Academy on bringing Indian classical music to the classroom. The chief examiner of the Music Teacher’s Board is also on hand to explain how digital music exams are changing the narrative. For professional advice, MT August covers the status and rights of VMTs, how to avoid that sense of isolation as a music teacher, and the usual round-up of news, reviews, tech surveys and CPD listings.
Music Teacher Preview PagesMusic Teacher Preview Pages

Music Teacher

Aug-24 MT this month focuses on access and inclusion, from research and lived experience to new opportunities and strategies. There's a report on research into using augmented reality headsets in piano lessons, a personal account of teaching plus raising children with special educational needs and disabilities, and a list of suggestions for how performing, composing and listening can be inclusive of all. In addition, we hear from the head of WCIT at Birmingham’s Services For Education, and from the Darbar Academy on bringing Indian classical music to the classroom. The chief examiner of the Music Teacher’s Board is also on hand to explain how digital music exams are changing the narrative. For professional advice, MT August covers the status and rights of VMTs, how to avoid that sense of isolation as a music teacher, and the usual round-up of news, reviews, tech surveys and CPD listings.

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Honoured to be the UK’s only magazine created to benefit music educators from every part of the sector - Music Teacher offers essential reading to teachers aspiring to improve. Looking beyond classical music to embrace music of all genres, this monthly publication is a trusted resource of inspiration and guidance that can keep your lessons current, captivating, and concise.

Providing you with a platform where music is valued in and of itself - Music Teacher promotes passion and professionalism with a title that benefits educators in the classroom, studio, lecture hall, online and wherever else you may wish to spread your experience and expertise.

Casting a critical eye over the latest research and products that are shaping musical teaching, as well as offering new approaches to pedagogy through in-depth features, engaging opinions, lesson plans and schemes of work - a Music Teacher digital magazine subscription is the smart way to take your teaching to the highest level possible.

Make a mark on the musical minds of tomorrow. Download the latest issue to your device today!


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