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Speciality Food Magazine Oct-17 Edición anterior

0 Reseñas   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)
Need some last-minute festive stock suggestions? Look no further than this jam-packed issue, with articles covering the premium gifting products that are set to wow customers this Christmas, the best in party food and more. We talk to Jason Hinds of Neal's Yard Dairy about the evolving dairy sector and how he's playing his part. Also, we reveal the start-up producers making waves in the industry in our New Producer Awards' Champions roundup, explore the growing nut butter trend and delve into the worlds of sweet spreads and slow food. Last but not least, we cover everything you need to know about running a flourishing foodservice establishment in our new Café Buyer industry special
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Speciality Food

Oct-17 Need some last-minute festive stock suggestions? Look no further than this jam-packed issue, with articles covering the premium gifting products that are set to wow customers this Christmas, the best in party food and more. We talk to Jason Hinds of Neal's Yard Dairy about the evolving dairy sector and how he's playing his part. Also, we reveal the start-up producers making waves in the industry in our New Producer Awards' Champions roundup, explore the growing nut butter trend and delve into the worlds of sweet spreads and slow food. Last but not least, we cover everything you need to know about running a flourishing foodservice establishment in our new Café Buyer industry special

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Issue Cover

Speciality Food  |  Oct-17  

Need some last-minute festive stock suggestions? Look no further than this jam-packed issue, with articles covering the premium gifting products that are set to wow customers this Christmas, the best in party food and more. We talk to Jason Hinds of Neal's Yard Dairy about the evolving dairy sector and how he's playing his part. Also, we reveal the start-up producers making waves in the industry in our New Producer Awards' Champions roundup, explore the growing nut butter trend and delve into the worlds of sweet spreads and slow food. Last but not least, we cover everything you need to know about running a flourishing foodservice establishment in our new Café Buyer industry special
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Essential business magazine for delicatessen, farm shop and food hall owners.
With all the news of the fine food industry that you need to know, interviews with key players and advice for retailers, Speciality Food is a must-read for anyone seeking to turn their love of good food into a profitable business.
Each issue takes an in-depth look at important aspects of quality food retailing and includes regular sections devoted to the cheese, dairy and confectionery industries.

Speciality Food sources useful information from the owners of local delis and also the buyers from premium retailers such as Harrods.
Panels accompanying features easily identify new products for retailers to stock, while upcoming store openings, shows and food events are all listed.
Features may include looks at regional foods, store refurbs, olive and other oils, wine, sauces, cheeses, seasonal food and drink, bakery and other stocking essentials.

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