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UltraMarine Magazine Issue 35 Edición anterior

15 Reseñas   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
Only €4,99
Scott Fellman hits us with a fantastic article about five state-of-the-art aquariums that redefine aquarium keeping as we know it, while Alf Jacob Nilsen outlines everything you need to know about pygmy angelfishes of the genus Centropyge.
Richard Aspinall introduces us to the Bubble Tip Anemone (BTA) in captivity and in the wild, James Fatherree explains why the stony blue and organ pipe corals “aren’t like the rest”, and John Clipperton presents a follow-up to his previous two-part article in Reef Restorations Revisited.
In his continuing and important series, Getting the Basics Right, David Wolfenden gives his expert advice on water movement in reef tanks but, on a completely different tack, Richard Smith tells us what it is that is addictive about nudibranchs in Nature’s Palette on Slug. You can find out exactly what it is in this issue.
In his regular and informative Fishes in Focus series, John Clipperton finds out what keeps the Rabbitfishes hopping, while Richard Aspinall takes a look at TMC’s V2 Bio React product in his in-depth review.
Finally, apart from our regular features, Gary Fletcher shares his experiences gleaned from years in the trade, and looks at his fabulous current system.
Of course we also have our regular features – Marine News, full of the latest news from the marine world, and Questions & Answers—one of our most popular features—where our marine expert, David Wolfenden, answers a selection of marine queries posed by readers.
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UltraMarine Magazine

Issue 35 Scott Fellman hits us with a fantastic article about five state-of-the-art aquariums that redefine aquarium keeping as we know it, while Alf Jacob Nilsen outlines everything you need to know about pygmy angelfishes of the genus Centropyge. Richard Aspinall introduces us to the Bubble Tip Anemone (BTA) in captivity and in the wild, James Fatherree explains why the stony blue and organ pipe corals “aren’t like the rest”, and John Clipperton presents a follow-up to his previous two-part article in Reef Restorations Revisited. In his continuing and important series, Getting the Basics Right, David Wolfenden gives his expert advice on water movement in reef tanks but, on a completely different tack, Richard Smith tells us what it is that is addictive about nudibranchs in Nature’s Palette on Slug. You can find out exactly what it is in this issue. In his regular and informative Fishes in Focus series, John Clipperton finds out what keeps the Rabbitfishes hopping, while Richard Aspinall takes a look at TMC’s V2 Bio React product in his in-depth review. Finally, apart from our regular features, Gary Fletcher shares his experiences gleaned from years in the trade, and looks at his fabulous current system. Of course we also have our regular features – Marine News, full of the latest news from the marine world, and Questions & Answers—one of our most popular features—where our marine expert, David Wolfenden, answers a selection of marine queries posed by readers.

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Issue Cover

UltraMarine Magazine  |  Issue 35  

Scott Fellman hits us with a fantastic article about five state-of-the-art aquariums that redefine aquarium keeping as we know it, while Alf Jacob Nilsen outlines everything you need to know about pygmy angelfishes of the genus Centropyge.
Richard Aspinall introduces us to the Bubble Tip Anemone (BTA) in captivity and in the wild, James Fatherree explains why the stony blue and organ pipe corals “aren’t like the rest”, and John Clipperton presents a follow-up to his previous two-part article in Reef Restorations Revisited.
In his continuing and important series, Getting the Basics Right, David Wolfenden gives his expert advice on water movement in reef tanks but, on a completely different tack, Richard Smith tells us what it is that is addictive about nudibranchs in Nature’s Palette on Slug. You can find out exactly what it is in this issue.
In his regular and informative Fishes in Focus series, John Clipperton finds out what keeps the Rabbitfishes hopping, while Richard Aspinall takes a look at TMC’s V2 Bio React product in his in-depth review.
Finally, apart from our regular features, Gary Fletcher shares his experiences gleaned from years in the trade, and looks at his fabulous current system.
Of course we also have our regular features – Marine News, full of the latest news from the marine world, and Questions & Answers—one of our most popular features—where our marine expert, David Wolfenden, answers a selection of marine queries posed by readers.
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Welcome to one of the world's leading marine specialist magazines. UltraMarine caters for all aspects of the marine fish hobby, from absolute beginner to the most advanced aquarist.

UltraMarine's outstanding images and inspirational content will leave you full of ideas for your own aquarium, and will be an essential tool in guiding you through new set-ups, maintenance, stocking and equipment choices, and tank health.

Our inspiration stems from a wide appreciation beyond the borders of our marine tanks, often tackling issues surrounding oceanography so that we can better understand our captive environments.

Our contributors boast a level of knowledge and experience second to none in the world, offering the reader new perspectives and insights into the hobby.

This magazine gives you around 80 PAGES of high quality articles and photography, from top quality contributors.

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