ROLLS-ROYCE HAS successfully run its UltraFan technology demonstrator to maximum power. First tested earlier in 2023, the UltraFan team has been gradually increasing the power since then. Rolls Royce said confirming the capability of the engine to run at full power was “a big step towards improving the efficiency of current and future aero-engines.”
The UltraFan technology is scalable, meaning it can provide from 25,000lb to 110,000lb thrust and will be used to power new narrowbody and widebody aircraft anticipated in the 2030s. It also promises a 10% efficiency improvement over the Trent XWB.
Separately, Rolls-Royce announced it had completed compatibility testing of 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on all its in-production civil aero engine types. A ground test on a BR710 business jet engine at the company’s facility in Canada completed the test regime. Other engines tested as part of the programme include the Trent 700, Trent 800, Trent 900, Trent 1000, Trent XWB-84, Trent XWB-97, Trent 7000, BR725, Pearl 700, Pearl 15 and Pearl 10X. It said the tests confirmed the use of 100% SAF does not affect engine performance.