Art of England  |  95 - October 2012
This month's Art of England brings you exciting news of an artist whose work explodes with energetic colour, celebrating life's forces at their most elemental. Wolfgang Kluge is introduced by Germany's Pashmin Art, whose eclectic catalogue represents artists from five continents and an entire universe of artistic genres. Estelle Lovatt tells us why everyone's going to galleries and what they're all going to see - first stop, Van Gogh to Kandinsky at Edinburgh's National Gallery of Scotland. We have an exclusive interview with Rolf Harris, who opened up to our very own Liz Henry about a life more lived than most can dream of. We've Bob Dylan's latest collection, an expedition to Everest and a news of all the must see new exhibitions and collections around the UK. Read on ......
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Art of England 95 - October 2012.