Attitude  |  213
It’s our last issue of 2011! See out the year with our new issue, featuring sexy tele dancing hunk Harry Judd gracing our front cover (meanwhile, the back is pretty steamy, too – find out which reader won our Active Cover competition). Inside we bring you an interview with faaaabulous icon Jennifer Saunders, who talks to us about the new Ab Fab. We can’t wait!
As per usual, the mag is teeming with top totty – from Robert Sheehan (of Misfits fame) to Mario from The Only Way is Essex. We’re also packing a special Christmas treat, as the kings of cakes, from Patrick Cox to Edd Kimber, russle up some special Christmas cakes.
Elsewhere there are interviews with Jimmy Carr and theatre legend Matthew Bourne, as well as all the regular features you know and love. So don’t forget to pick up your new Attitude, hitting shelves from December 14th!
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Originally published back in May 1994, for over 20 years attitude have been the go-to bi-monthly magazine subscription for British gay men. Now published and distributed worldwide, attitude offers their readers unparalleled, award-winning editorial on trending lifestyle topics including men’s fashion/style, health/fitness, travel, politics and relationships.
Since 1994, over 300 celebrities and gay icons have graced the front cover of attitude. Featuring a healthy mix of gay and straight stars, notable past faces (and bodies) include Madonna, David Beckham, Tom Daley, Lady Gaga and Elton John - the list goes on and on.
Alongside this, attitude offers regular guest contributions and also boasts a rich history of exclusive, blockbuster celebrity interviews, with interviewees as diverse as politicians, David Cameron and Tony Blair, through to entertainment and popular culture figures such as Tom Hardy, Will Young and Kylie Minogue and even royalty, with Prince William adorning the front cover and becoming the first member of the British royal family to appear in a gay magazine!
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- The UK’s best selling gay men’s lifestyle magazine
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- Enthralling style/fashion, fitness and world travel features
- Exclusive, blockbuster celebrity interviews
- The latest LGBT+ news and stories from across the world
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Attitude 213.