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The M*lk Round

M*lkman, known for making delicious nut mylks, has teamed up with family-run MOTHER Café in Hackney Wick, to start an alternative vegan delivery service, using a 69-year-old electric float. We spoke to some of the team – Charlie and Patrick from MOTHER (, and Jamie the M*lkman ( – to find out more about their exciting new venture.

What are you up to?

Charlie: We’re a collective of east London small producers, getting together to offer an ethically-driven and environmentally-friendly delivery service, focused on companies who make fresh vegan products that have a short shelf-life. If we want our products to be featured in supermarkets, it usually means that we have to compromise on what goes into them, as they want to overstock with longer-lasting food and drink. So, rather than do that, we want to reach our customer base in local areas. We called together a great group of independent businesses, and we use the electric powered M*lk float to get their products out to people, and that’s the main idea behind it – to get the best products out to people who want them.

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Be Kind
JanFeb 2019

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