iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat  |  109 November 2012
In issue 109 of Drummer, we bring you a full round-up of all of the happenings at the recent London Drum Show, including all of the latest and tastiest new gear on offer, reviews of each and every session in the masterclass suite as well as all of the action from this year’s main stage performers. With the show now in it’s third year, the show saw a record number of visitors to London’s Olympia conference centre, and our pictorial review brings you just a small taste of what the weekend provided the many drummers who attended and were in percussion heaven!
Elsewhere in the issue, we speak to gospel-über drummer Aaron Spears, who talks groove, chops and finding the perfect balance in life. Following his stunning appearance at The London Drum Show, Aaron’s standing as one of the most highly revered drummer’s in the world was more than confirmed, with his interview giving a brief insight into how he came to be such an in-demand and much-loved player world-wide. We also spend some time chatting to UK session-supremo Geoff Dugmore, who enlightens us as to what it takes to continue to be one of the busiest drummers in the country, and with him having played on over 50 number-one singles, Geoff is perfectly placed to offer pearls of wisdom that any drummer will find useful to further their career. Counting Crows sticksman Jim Bogios also joins us to explain how he keeps himself constantly busy by taking gigs between international tours that many drummers wouldn’t be found doing just to keep himself playing and keeping his technique and all-round skills up to speed. We also have the second instalment of Drummer regular Pete Lockett’s Tour Diary, where he keeps a day-by-day record of his recent world solo percussion tour, taking in New Zealand, Hawaii, LA and finally back to the UK.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat 109 November 2012.