THE REPLACEMENT vessel for the Corran service, the MV Maid of Glencoul, is due to return to its mooring at Ardgour next week. Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Rhoda Grant says she has been told the back-up vessel will return to the Corran narrows on Monday next week.
The matter was raised with the MSP when she visited Lochaline recently, with concerns being expressed about the disruption to service that was encountered earlier this year when the MV Corran hit rocks near a slipway and no back-up vessel was available.
The Highland Council has advised the repaired propeller has been refitted to the MV Maid of Glencoul and that following sea trials this week, all being well the replacement vessel will be back on her mooring at Ardgour by Monday September 25. Rhoda Grant said: ‘I am pleased to have been reassured that the Maid of Glencoul should be returning to Ardgour next week.