Prospect Magazine  |  December 2019
In Prospect's December issue: Jack Shenker goes inside the Labour Party to find out what Corbynism actually means. He discovers that win or lose the election in December, a rising generation of socialists are digging in for a long war.
Elsewhere in the issue: Prospect's Steve Bloomfield examines the election from a different perspective: what happens if we stop trusting elections themselves. He argues that Britain is in the midst of an election crisis as fake news permeates across the web, the electoral commission is hampered by antiquated laws and weak punishments while conspiracy theories abound about political biases within the organisation.
Also: Dan Howden asks what happens to migrants when they are sent home? Wendy Ide interviews Ken Loach, Miranda France explores the #MeToo scandal and Clive James reflects on M&S puddings, The Wire and getting Wittgenstein wrong
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Prospect Magazine December 2019.