Simply Crochet  |  Issue 72
We’ve headed east for our collection inspiration for issue 72. Choose from easy, quick lotus blossoms and bunting or take on a challenge with Emma Leith’s fabulous curtain. On a smaller scale, we’re very excited to include an exclusive pattern for an Irish Terrier from TOFT – oh yes, we are spoiling you! We get some inside advice from top crochet designers on what it takes to go pro, plus we chat to the amazing crochet artist Katika. Take a dip with our beautiful mermaid, designed by Ilaria Caliri, and prepare for summer with the freshest makes in pristine whites and blues with our stunning shawl and lacy top. Plus, there's some hot, hot, hot colour trends you’ll love for your home.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Simply Crochet Issue 72.