Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  Issue 081
In issue 81 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Renato Mazzucco pays tribute to Italian furniture designer Enzo Mari with a multipurpose ‘beam’ tray; Mitch Peacock builds a kerfing plane from figured maple; Mark Palma turns a rolling pin made from scrap timber; Fred and Julie Byrne use their scrollsaw to make light catchers; Kev Alviti takes a break from his practical work to make an automaton; Kevin Ley builds an oak bathroom cupboard; James Hatter gives an outdated kitchen a modern makeover; Anthony Bailey uses his router to make a photo frame; Graham Clarke constructs a garden arbour; Johann Roudy carves a mirror frame in a Neo-Renaissance style; Jim Robinson makes a wine rack; Amber Bailey practises her marquetry skills with a coaster; Peter Brett builds a useful garden store; and Colwin Way turns a set of wooden skittles for outdoor games.
In our Techniques articles, Charles Mak offers a masterclass on using the skew block plane; Derek Jones shares his tricks for invisible mending; and Anne Briggs Bohnett offers tips on how to get truly square stock.
In Features, Randall A Maxey delves into the history of combination planes and looks at their modern counterparts; timber construction specialist Rupert Newman tells us about his life and career, and we have an extract from his book, Oak-Framed Buildings; Anthony Bailey takes a close look at hand saws and rescues a tenon saw from a skip; we celebrate the winner of the European Tree of the Year competition; and Keith Keough of British Drum Co. tells Beverly D’Silva about his award-winning business.
All this and more in issue 81 of Woodworking Crafts!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 081.