Gaming Bookazine  |  Chess For Beginners 4th Edition
The game of chess has been around for over 1,500 years, originating in India and eventually making its way across the world. Over time, the rules may have changed, but the objective remains the same: capture the king. In this book, we take you through the most basic rules all the way through to some of the more complicated strategies that will have you winning an impressive game of chess in no time. Learn the movement of each piece and how it can be utilised in pins and skewers, traps and decoys. There is more to chess than you could possibly imagine. Once you’ve learnt the basics, we take you through ways to further your game, by joining clubs or tournaments and even explore the world’s famous chess players, including computer Deep Blue. Finally, in the reference section, all of your chess questions are answered and a glossary of terms will stop you from ever getting confused by the terminology ever again. Get ready for checkmate!
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Articles in this issue
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