Gaming Bookazine  |  History of Videogames Third Edition
Congratulations! You have just picked up a time machine. This isn’t one of those 88mph DeLoreans or ramshackle phone booths made by hucksters and charlatans, though, this is a special time machine: it will take you through the history of video games. As you flick through these pages, you’ll be transported to the computer labs of the Sixties, where videogames were born, through to the modern era of the Twenties where games are a billion-dollar industry. Along the way, you’ll learn how the likes of Atari and Space Invaders took over the world, delve into exciting hardware like the PlayStation and Xbox, and marvel at landmark titles such as Jet Set Willy, World Of Warcraft and more. So what are you waiting for? Turn the page and begin this fantastic voyage through time!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Gaming Bookazine History of Videogames Third Edition.