Gaming Bookazine  |  Retro Gamer Book of Arcade Classics Seventh Edition
Walk around an arcade nowadays and you’ll find it filled with countless penny pushing games and fruit machines. In the Seventies and Eighties it was a completely different scenario with those machines playing second fiddle to countless arcade games. While home computers were moving at an astonishing rate they still couldn’t compete with the incredible games that were being released in the arcades. Companies like Atari, Sega and even Nintendo were pushing specific hardware boards to the limits to create unique gaming experiences, many of which had never been experienced before. It was an insanely exciting time to be a gamer and it seemed like a new mechanic or type of game was appearing every time you visited your local arcade. Sure, many of those games that took your breath away would eventually appear on your own home system, but they were never as good as the originals. With that in mind, we’ve collated our greatest arcade content so you can relive one of gaming’s most significant periods.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Gaming Bookazine Retro Gamer Book of Arcade Classics Seventh Edition.