After The Battle  |  Issue 120
SAS TRAGEDY AT SENNECEY-LE-GRAND - Jean-Pierre Garnier tells the story of the abortive SAS operation in August 1944. Holland - Highlanders in the Low Countries - Operation 'Colin' by the 51st (Highland) Division in Holland in October 1944. It Happened Here - Kriegsmarine Listening Post at Castle Ter Linden - A fascinating account of the German Navy Interception Station south-west of Bruges in Belgium. A Veteran Remembers - CTC Castle Toward - Lieutenant Colonel Peter Peyman remembers the days when he served at the Combined Training Centre in Scotland. Wreck Investigation - The Death of George Preddy - Roger Freeman tells the tragic story of the last flight of the Eighth Air Force ace shot down by American anti-aircraft fire on Christmas Day 1944.
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