After The Battle  |  Issue 57
THE RÜSSELSHEIM DEATH MARCH - The killing of six American airmen of the 491st Bomb Group based at North Pickenham by German civilians in August 1944. Wreck Investigation - Beneath the Waters of Truk - Klaus Lindemann dives on Japanese wrecks around this Pacific island. Readers' Investigations - The Mass Escape from Cowra - John A. Williams describes the largest ever escape of Axis prisoners of war in New South Wales, Australia in August 1944. It Happened Here - Antwerp 'City of Sudden Death' - An account of the V2-Weapon attacks on this Belgian City by Achiel Rely. Preservation - An Engineer Returns . . . and a Museum is born - Ex-Organisation Todt Chief Engineer, Werner Flos, visits the V2 construction at Wizernes and meets his contemporary Professor, R. V. Jones.
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