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All About History Book Of The Renaissance

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Between the 14th and the 17th centuries a cultural, political, scientific and intellectual explosion took place. Emanating from the workshops of Florence, Europe’s cultural rebirth gradually spread throughout the continent and took hold. We call it the Renaissance, meaning “rebirth” or “reawakening”. At the time, European intellectuals were looking back to the philosophers, writers and artists of the Classical Greek and Roman periods in a quest to recapture what they saw as the beauty and purity of ages gone by. The All About History Book of the Renaissance investigates the events that led up to the movement, from the rise of the Medici family in Florence to the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Delve into the lives and livelihoods of the Renaissance’s key players, from Michelangelo, nicknamed The Divine, to the scandalous hell-raiser Caravaggio. Uncover the stories behind the most famous masterpieces, such as the Mona Lisa and the ceiling of the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel, and find out how they were painstakingly created. Trace the expansion of the Renaissance throughout the continent and discover how its effects still resonate today, from Columbus making land in the New World to the theory of heliocentrism.
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All About History Book Of The Renaissance

All About History Book of Renaissance Between the 14th and the 17th centuries a cultural, political, scientific and intellectual explosion took place. Emanating from the workshops of Florence, Europe’s cultural rebirth gradually spread throughout the continent and took hold. We call it the Renaissance, meaning “rebirth” or “reawakening”. At the time, European intellectuals were looking back to the philosophers, writers and artists of the Classical Greek and Roman periods in a quest to recapture what they saw as the beauty and purity of ages gone by. The All About History Book of the Renaissance investigates the events that led up to the movement, from the rise of the Medici family in Florence to the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Delve into the lives and livelihoods of the Renaissance’s key players, from Michelangelo, nicknamed The Divine, to the scandalous hell-raiser Caravaggio. Uncover the stories behind the most famous masterpieces, such as the Mona Lisa and the ceiling of the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel, and find out how they were painstakingly created. Trace the expansion of the Renaissance throughout the continent and discover how its effects still resonate today, from Columbus making land in the New World to the theory of heliocentrism.

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All About History Book Of The Renaissance  |  All About History Book of Renaissance  

Between the 14th and the 17th centuries a cultural, political, scientific and intellectual explosion took place. Emanating from the workshops of Florence,
Europe’s cultural rebirth gradually spread throughout the continent and took hold. We call it the Renaissance, meaning “rebirth” or “reawakening”. At the time, European intellectuals were looking back to the philosophers, writers
and artists of the Classical Greek and Roman periods in a quest to recapture what they saw as the beauty and purity of ages gone by. The All About History Book of the Renaissance investigates the events that led up to the movement, from the rise of the Medici family in Florence to the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Delve into the lives and livelihoods of the Renaissance’s key players, from Michelangelo, nicknamed The Divine, to the
scandalous hell-raiser Caravaggio. Uncover the stories behind the most famous masterpieces, such as the Mona Lisa and the ceiling of the Vatican’s
Sistine Chapel, and find out how they were painstakingly created. Trace the expansion of the Renaissance throughout the continent and discover how its effects still resonate today, from Columbus making land in the New World to the theory of heliocentrism.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Between the 14th and the 17th centuries a cultural, political, scientific and intellectual explosion took place. Emanating from the workshops of Florence, Europe’s cultural rebirth gradually spread throughout the continent and took hold. We call it the Renaissance, meaning “rebirth” or “reawakening”. At the time, European intellectuals were looking back to the philosophers, writers and artists of the Classical Greek and Roman periods in a quest to recapture what they saw as the beauty and purity of ages gone by. The All About History Book of the Renaissance investigates the events that led up to the movement, from the rise of the Medici family in Florence to the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Delve into the lives and livelihoods of the Renaissance’s key players, from Michelangelo, nicknamed The Divine, to the scandalous hell-raiser Caravaggio. Uncover the stories behind the most famous masterpieces, such as the Mona Lisa and the ceiling of the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel, and find out how they were painstakingly created. Trace the expansion of the Renaissance throughout the continent and discover how its effects still resonate today, from Columbus making land in the New World to the theory of heliocentrism.

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