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Backyard & Outdoor Living Magazine Issue#13.1 2015 Edizione posteriore

3 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Gardening)
Only €4,99
After a quick and easy way to update your garden? A carefully positioned pot or three is the answer. Tall and tapered or short and shallow…you're spoiled for choice. To help you achieve the best result, we share some creative tips for selection and placement. Outdoor mirrors are another way to enliven a garden, especially in smaller spaces. Placed just so, they can reflect pleasing vistas and create the impression of extra space. We also take a look at the coolest roofing material for an outdoor structure: thatch. This is a practical and stylish roofing material for cabanas, pavilions and tropical-style huts. If you're seeking something that feels cool underfoot, choose natural stone. Of course, stone can be used for more than paving. We take an up-close look at thatching and stone and show you how both materials can be incorporated into the design of a garden.
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Backyard & Outdoor Living

Issue#13.1 2015 After a quick and easy way to update your garden? A carefully positioned pot or three is the answer. Tall and tapered or short and shallow…you're spoiled for choice. To help you achieve the best result, we share some creative tips for selection and placement. Outdoor mirrors are another way to enliven a garden, especially in smaller spaces. Placed just so, they can reflect pleasing vistas and create the impression of extra space. We also take a look at the coolest roofing material for an outdoor structure: thatch. This is a practical and stylish roofing material for cabanas, pavilions and tropical-style huts. If you're seeking something that feels cool underfoot, choose natural stone. Of course, stone can be used for more than paving. We take an up-close look at thatching and stone and show you how both materials can be incorporated into the design of a garden.

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Issue Cover

Backyard & Outdoor Living  |  Issue#13.1 2015  

After a quick and easy way to update your garden? A carefully positioned pot or three is the answer. Tall and tapered or short and shallow…you're spoiled for choice. To help you achieve the best result, we share some creative tips for selection and placement. Outdoor mirrors are another way to enliven a garden, especially in smaller spaces. Placed just so, they can reflect pleasing vistas and create the impression of extra space. We also take a look at the coolest roofing material for an outdoor structure: thatch. This is a practical and stylish roofing material for cabanas, pavilions and tropical-style huts. If you're seeking something that feels cool underfoot, choose natural stone. Of course, stone can be used for more than paving. We take an up-close look at thatching and stone and show you how both materials can be incorporated into the design of a garden.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Welcome to the new-look Backyard & Outdoor Living, the magazine for those who don’t just dream of an amazing garden, they want to get out there and make it happen. If the backyard is where you gather with family and friends; if you want to do more in your backyard, be that build a garden bed or lay some paving; and if you want to get your kids involved too, Backyard is what you need. Backyard covers a wide range of topics for the consumer who is doing a complete makeover. Including but not limited to Planning a Garden, Makeover Ideas, Design Advice, Water Wise Gardening, Outdoor Lighting, Pool Design, Outdoor Furniture, Garden Art, Shade Solutions and Paving Options.

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Basato su 3 Recensioni dei clienti
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