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BBC Wildlife Magazine January 2013 Edizione posteriore

33 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Wildlife)
Only €5,99
50th birthday special issue: revealing the key British conservation successes and disasters, the world's newly discovered and sadly extinct species, and the most important wildlife photos of the past 50 years, Meet the USA's amazing tree-climbing grey fox, Discover how red kangaroos survive the arid Australian Outback, Explore Alaska's wild landscapes populated by polar bears, bald eagles and spawning salmon.
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BBC Wildlife Magazine

January 2013 50th birthday special issue: revealing the key British conservation successes and disasters, the world's newly discovered and sadly extinct species, and the most important wildlife photos of the past 50 years, Meet the USA's amazing tree-climbing grey fox, Discover how red kangaroos survive the arid Australian Outback, Explore Alaska's wild landscapes populated by polar bears, bald eagles and spawning salmon.

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Issue Cover

BBC Wildlife Magazine  |  January 2013  

50th birthday special issue: revealing the key British conservation successes and disasters, the world's newly discovered and sadly extinct species, and the most important wildlife photos of the past 50 years, Meet the USA's amazing tree-climbing grey fox, Discover how red kangaroos survive the arid Australian Outback, Explore Alaska's wild landscapes populated by polar bears, bald eagles and spawning salmon.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

BBC Wildlife Magazine is the ultimate read for anyone interested in getting to know nature. Every issue is full of informative content about the wildlife not only here in the UK, but all the way to the most exotic animals in the furthest corners of the world. BBC Wildlife Magazine has been known to capture never-before-seen pictures on some of the rarest animals on the earth such as the Pallas's cat of Mongolia.

BBC Wildlife Magazine never fails to share the wonder and beauty of wildlife with its readers.  The articles that make up the magazine are written by wildlife experts who put their passion and love for nature into every piece of their writing. BBC Wildlife helps you discover the animals that you’ve never heard of before and informs you with rich photography and expert writing.

Every issue contains a travel section which will guide you on the best places to visit and see fantastic wildlife. The guides extend to almost every country of the globe, so you can be sure that wherever you’re heading BBC Wildlife Magazine will help you get the most out of your travels.

BBC Wildlife Magazine was founded in 1963 simply as Wildlife Magazine and since its founding has been dedicated to supplying quality wildlife content to its readers. BBC Wildlife Magazine’s long and rich history has crowned it one of the best wildlife magazines on the market. The magazine has a dedicated panel of journalists and an advisory board including some of the biggest names in wildlife documentation including David Attenborough, Chris Baines and Jane Goodall. 

Enjoy all of these features and more with your BBC Wildlife digital magazine:

  • Rich and detailed articles on fascinating wildlife
  • Award-winning photography
  • Features on wildlife in the UK, plus the rest of the world
  • Travel guides to help you experience nature to the fullest
  • Global news on events concerning wildlife
  • Free delivery directly to your device each month

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Basato su 33 Recensioni dei clienti
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Excellent quality

Excellent with regards to all of those with a passion for wildlife Recensito 19 aprile 2022

BBC Wildlife Magazine

Please dont make the magazine too political as it seems to be becoming. Other than that the magazine is excellent. Recensito 17 marzo 2020

BBC Wildlife Magazine

I have been a subscriber for a long time. Originally via the official iTunes app but have moved to Pocket Mags as I prefer to read as per the printed version which is not supported in the official iTunes app any longer. Recensito 13 febbraio 2020

Very professional

Excellent BBC magazine with lots of interesting articles Recensito 16 novembre 2019

Highly professional

Excellent wildlife magazine as you would expect from the BBC Recensito 16 ottobre 2018

Articoli in questo numero

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