We rarely stop to realise how many times a day we come into contact with single-use plastic – from our morning showers (yes, those organic shampoos still come cased in plastic), to our lunchtimes (for my sins, sometimes my sandwiches are wrapped in clingfilm), to evening cocktails (sipping mojitos through straws). I wanted to spend a week cutting out plastic, by avoiding anything single-use, to see how tough it really is.
Come Saturday, my cupboards are always empty, so it made sense to begin my plastic-free week today, since I knew I’d have to tailor my shopping to accommodate my new plastic-free lifestyle. Typically, I look forward to my grocery shop and I’ll happily spend up to an hour and a half milling about my supermarket of choice. Today, I hit the shops with a sense of trepidation – and it turned out that I was right to feel some dread.
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