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Big Carp Magazine BigCarp 187 Edizione posteriore

13 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Only €4,99
The Warmest Winter on Record.

Record temperatures for December have brought mixed fortunes to our writers as we bring you the second Big Carp magazine of 2012. Sean Leverett has been causing havoc with the carp this winter at Cemex’s Road Lake and Church Pool as this month’s exclusive diary goes to prove, and Keith Jenkins’ Made in England’ has a whole host of winter whackers caught at the end of 2011 including some huge and extremely beautiful true English warriors. Connoisseurs of stunning carp should definitely not miss this issue.

And what a rocking issue I have for you as the Rotary Letter gets the whole country talking about its provocative subjects once again. Dave Lane, Jon McAllister and Lee Jackson’s contributions are worth the cover price alone with subjects including winter bait choice, crayfish, silt, weed, record carp, fish deaths and moon phases plus loads more interesting and thought provoking technical subjects. If you have any questions for the team please email them to

Ian Stott continues his series on Elstow again this month with more mouthwatering captures for us to feast our eyes on. Ian too has had a great start to 2012, already banking carp at over 30lb, but that as they say, is a story for another day.
John Claridge’s highly popular Big Carp Waters series continues this month as he turns his attention to Pingewood, home of the Brute and many, many proper whackers – more from John soon. Rob Newman returns this month. You may remember Rob from the front cover of Big Carp a few months ago with the Toadless Leather – a striking shot indeed. Well Rob’s back with tales of The Road Lake and an incredible Clover at 42lb 12oz.
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Big Carp Magazine

BigCarp 187 The Warmest Winter on Record. Record temperatures for December have brought mixed fortunes to our writers as we bring you the second Big Carp magazine of 2012. Sean Leverett has been causing havoc with the carp this winter at Cemex’s Road Lake and Church Pool as this month’s exclusive diary goes to prove, and Keith Jenkins’ Made in England’ has a whole host of winter whackers caught at the end of 2011 including some huge and extremely beautiful true English warriors. Connoisseurs of stunning carp should definitely not miss this issue. And what a rocking issue I have for you as the Rotary Letter gets the whole country talking about its provocative subjects once again. Dave Lane, Jon McAllister and Lee Jackson’s contributions are worth the cover price alone with subjects including winter bait choice, crayfish, silt, weed, record carp, fish deaths and moon phases plus loads more interesting and thought provoking technical subjects. If you have any questions for the team please email them to Ian Stott continues his series on Elstow again this month with more mouthwatering captures for us to feast our eyes on. Ian too has had a great start to 2012, already banking carp at over 30lb, but that as they say, is a story for another day. John Claridge’s highly popular Big Carp Waters series continues this month as he turns his attention to Pingewood, home of the Brute and many, many proper whackers – more from John soon. Rob Newman returns this month. You may remember Rob from the front cover of Big Carp a few months ago with the Toadless Leather – a striking shot indeed. Well Rob’s back with tales of The Road Lake and an incredible Clover at 42lb 12oz.

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Issue Cover

Big Carp Magazine  |  BigCarp 187  

The Warmest Winter on Record.

Record temperatures for December have brought mixed fortunes to our writers as we bring you the second Big Carp magazine of 2012. Sean Leverett has been causing havoc with the carp this winter at Cemex’s Road Lake and Church Pool as this month’s exclusive diary goes to prove, and Keith Jenkins’ Made in England’ has a whole host of winter whackers caught at the end of 2011 including some huge and extremely beautiful true English warriors. Connoisseurs of stunning carp should definitely not miss this issue.

And what a rocking issue I have for you as the Rotary Letter gets the whole country talking about its provocative subjects once again. Dave Lane, Jon McAllister and Lee Jackson’s contributions are worth the cover price alone with subjects including winter bait choice, crayfish, silt, weed, record carp, fish deaths and moon phases plus loads more interesting and thought provoking technical subjects. If you have any questions for the team please email them to

Ian Stott continues his series on Elstow again this month with more mouthwatering captures for us to feast our eyes on. Ian too has had a great start to 2012, already banking carp at over 30lb, but that as they say, is a story for another day.
John Claridge’s highly popular Big Carp Waters series continues this month as he turns his attention to Pingewood, home of the Brute and many, many proper whackers – more from John soon. Rob Newman returns this month. You may remember Rob from the front cover of Big Carp a few months ago with the Toadless Leather – a striking shot indeed. Well Rob’s back with tales of The Road Lake and an incredible Clover at 42lb 12oz.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
For over 20 years Big Carp has been the serious carp anglers favourite read. Written and read by the world’s top anglers, dedicated to English thoroughbreds, a history of excellence.

The UK’s only proper carp mag with articles from Britain’s top carp anglers past, present and future. Aimed at the angler who not only wants to know what catches but why! Many exclusives from anglers all over the country, in depth technical features on baits and rigs, on the bank interviews with successful anglers both well known and unknown. Life histories of famous anglers, monthly prizes to win holidays tackle and bait. Exclusive diaries Rob Maylin and his friends. Keith Jenkins monthly column “Made in England” featuring the biggest and most beautiful carp caught that month. Big Carp is for the angler who wants more out of his fishing than just catching fish, it is for the angler who wants to know the history of his chosen quarry and the venue it resides in. Big Carp has something for everyone, from the novice angler keen to learn the latest edges from the top anglers to the season pro just keeping abreast of the country’s most important captures.

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Basato su 13 Recensioni dei clienti
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