Bow International  |  126
Like many US archers, John Demmer grew up around hunting. Every year his cousin would come up to see him and go bowhunting. After thinking it unfair that his cousin got to shoot a bow two months earlier than he did, he picked up a compound bow and joined him. In 1998, Demmer was out shooting targets with a friend who shot barebow, who was teasing him about how much harder it was to shoot. That's when Demmer immediately switched to the discipline. Since then, Demmer has shot his way up to the top, earning a gold medal in Dublin in 2016 for the team field competition and an individual silver the following year at the World Games - the closest a barebow archer can get to the Olympics. He talks to Danielle Gerken talks about his hopes going into the 2018 World Championships – and his vision for the future of barebow.
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