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Build Home Victoria Magazine May Issue#46 2015 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
Whether you’re looking to build a new home, granny flat or renovating an existing dwelling there’s a great range of options available these days. Build home Victoria has gathered them all together for you in one practical and easy-to-read guide. In this issue, The Living Room’s, Barry Du Bois shares his expert advice on the benefits of a knock down and rebuild project. We discover why Victoria’s Northern Region is the perfect area for home buyers and builders to settle down and invest. We also take a look at eco-friendly and energy efficient home designs using solar powered solutions and why downsizing is a growing trend.
Build Home Victoria Preview PagesBuild Home Victoria Preview Pages

Build Home Victoria

May Issue#46 2015 Whether you’re looking to build a new home, granny flat or renovating an existing dwelling there’s a great range of options available these days. Build home Victoria has gathered them all together for you in one practical and easy-to-read guide. In this issue, The Living Room’s, Barry Du Bois shares his expert advice on the benefits of a knock down and rebuild project. We discover why Victoria’s Northern Region is the perfect area for home buyers and builders to settle down and invest. We also take a look at eco-friendly and energy efficient home designs using solar powered solutions and why downsizing is a growing trend.

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