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Rooflights for renovators

If quality of space is just as important to you as quantity, then there are few features you’ll prize more highly than a rooflight. Think of them not just as practical problem-solvers for making extensions brighter and lofts habitable, but as a way of bringing a certain magic to a house: overhead daylight can be highly dramatic, while upward views of the sky can be deeply peaceful. “Nowadays rooflights are available in more styles and configurations than ever before, and they have become an integral part of hundreds of striking self-build and renovation schemes, mainly due to the versatility of the product,” says Roof Maker’s CEO Paul Mildenstein. “When incorporating rooflights into renovation projects, you need to consider whether they need to complement the existing building, or if they can they stand out from any original features,” he continues. Many extensions favour using contrasting materials to the existing house, opening up the possibility for a crisp modern look, but you may want to create a traditional conservatory or orangery, where the roof lantern will be the key decorative focus of the design.

If your project also includes an upgrade of existing windows and the addition of further glass, such as glazed doors, pick a company that can specify all these products within the same range, to give a sense of uniformity.

Siting glazing above a staircase means the light penetrates down to the floors below. This example in an extension to a 1930s water tower in Yorkshire was supplied by Roof Maker
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Build It
Nov 2017

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Your views:
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Essential advice on your problems with building, budgeting, DIY & planning from the most experienced names in the self-build industry
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