Cannabis World Journals  |  Issue 22
No Fear for the Cannabis Cause: Leaders and Advocates
Cannabis World Journals presents in this 22nd edition different influential people in the world of cannabis, such as Mike Tyson, and their work in the fight to destigmatize this plant. This edition includes an interview with Thomas B. Kin Chong, a Canadian actor, comedian, musician, and activist.
The CannaLaw section mentions the legal progress of cannabis and its derivatives in different countries. CannaTrade features the leading products in the cannabis industry and a basic guide to investing in cannabis. In the CannaMed section, you will learn about the Cannahaler, which is revolutionizing cannabis inhalers; and an overview of the studies carried out by Cristina Sanchez analyzing cannabinoids in cellular energy metabolism and their behavior in the elimination of cancer cells.
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Articoli in questo numero
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