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Carp-Talk Magazine 937 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
This week’s Carp-Talk (Issue 937) features catch reports from across the globe, news stories, features and competitions. Here is what’s on offer:

- Marne Valley Carping Update
Advertising Feature
- British Carp Angling Championships 2012 The Final – Last out, First in!
With a final line-up regarded by many as one of the finest ever seen, last weekend saw all eyes on Broadlands Lake for what is undoubtedly the biggest event in the UK competition carp scene.
- Trade Talk with Ben Wales
The latest product news and whispers from the carp trade.
- Long-range Floater Fishing with Alan Blair
It’s not time to put the floaters away just yet, says Alan.
- The Long Ranger with Mark Pitchers
We join the multi-talented Mark Pitchers on Cromwell Lake in Nottinghamshire, as he reveals how he adapts his approach when the carp start showing at long range...
- Plastic Fantastic with James Armstrong
Plastic corn has a multitude of uses and in the right hands it can be fantastic. Ever heard the phrase
‘plastic fantastic’? Well, it’s true!
- Wychwood Junior Carp Stars
Prize-winning captors announced.
- The Oconnor Angle with Barry Oconnor
It’s been another hectic summer of carp comps for the all-conquering father-and-son duo.
- Just the Ticket with Paul Monkman
Editorial assistant Paul joins Carp-Talk’s northern Regional Carp Angler of the Year Alan Atkinson to
learn how he tackles a typical day-ticket water.

Great Giveaways
- Fox-Mainline Carp Angler of the Year 2012
- £469 Wychwood Solace Bivvy Competition
- DT Bait Developments Monthly Winners
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937 This week’s Carp-Talk (Issue 937) features catch reports from across the globe, news stories, features and competitions. Here is what’s on offer: - Marne Valley Carping Update Advertising Feature - British Carp Angling Championships 2012 The Final – Last out, First in! With a final line-up regarded by many as one of the finest ever seen, last weekend saw all eyes on Broadlands Lake for what is undoubtedly the biggest event in the UK competition carp scene. - Trade Talk with Ben Wales The latest product news and whispers from the carp trade. - Long-range Floater Fishing with Alan Blair It’s not time to put the floaters away just yet, says Alan. - The Long Ranger with Mark Pitchers We join the multi-talented Mark Pitchers on Cromwell Lake in Nottinghamshire, as he reveals how he adapts his approach when the carp start showing at long range... - Plastic Fantastic with James Armstrong Plastic corn has a multitude of uses and in the right hands it can be fantastic. Ever heard the phrase ‘plastic fantastic’? Well, it’s true! - Wychwood Junior Carp Stars Prize-winning captors announced. - The Oconnor Angle with Barry Oconnor It’s been another hectic summer of carp comps for the all-conquering father-and-son duo. - Just the Ticket with Paul Monkman Editorial assistant Paul joins Carp-Talk’s northern Regional Carp Angler of the Year Alan Atkinson to learn how he tackles a typical day-ticket water. Great Giveaways - Fox-Mainline Carp Angler of the Year 2012 - £469 Wychwood Solace Bivvy Competition - DT Bait Developments Monthly Winners

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Issue Cover

Carp-Talk  |  937  

This week’s Carp-Talk (Issue 937) features catch reports from across the globe, news stories, features and competitions. Here is what’s on offer:

- Marne Valley Carping Update
Advertising Feature
- British Carp Angling Championships 2012 The Final – Last out, First in!
With a final line-up regarded by many as one of the finest ever seen, last weekend saw all eyes on Broadlands Lake for what is undoubtedly the biggest event in the UK competition carp scene.
- Trade Talk with Ben Wales
The latest product news and whispers from the carp trade.
- Long-range Floater Fishing with Alan Blair
It’s not time to put the floaters away just yet, says Alan.
- The Long Ranger with Mark Pitchers
We join the multi-talented Mark Pitchers on Cromwell Lake in Nottinghamshire, as he reveals how he adapts his approach when the carp start showing at long range...
- Plastic Fantastic with James Armstrong
Plastic corn has a multitude of uses and in the right hands it can be fantastic. Ever heard the phrase
‘plastic fantastic’? Well, it’s true!
- Wychwood Junior Carp Stars
Prize-winning captors announced.
- The Oconnor Angle with Barry Oconnor
It’s been another hectic summer of carp comps for the all-conquering father-and-son duo.
- Just the Ticket with Paul Monkman
Editorial assistant Paul joins Carp-Talk’s northern Regional Carp Angler of the Year Alan Atkinson to
learn how he tackles a typical day-ticket water.

Great Giveaways
- Fox-Mainline Carp Angler of the Year 2012
- £469 Wychwood Solace Bivvy Competition
- DT Bait Developments Monthly Winners
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Carp-Talk is the UK’s leading news magazine and only dedicated weekly in the world of carp fishing.

Created and run by a team of addicted carp anglers and edited by top carp catcher Simon Crow, it has been responsible for world exclusives on all the legendary carp captures since it was launched in 1994.

Each week features:
- Latest carpy news
- Exclusive interviews
- Captures from your local area and further afield
- Tips, tactics and advice from some of the most successful anglers in the UK
- Tackle and bait product news
- Capitalise on years of experience from big name anglers such as Julian Cundiff, Danny Fairbrass, Ian Macmillan, Ali Hamidi, Darryl Peck, Steve Briggs just to name a few…

Don’t miss out on Carp-Talk every week. Plus, be sure to send us your catch reports and you may be in the pages of Carp-Talk very soon!

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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Always exciting

Never boring always interesting Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Great photographs

Very inspiring Recensito 20 luglio 2019

Best fishing bag

Great reading for those who are fans of Angling Recensito 09 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

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