Annie Lennox hasn’t written a pop song in 10 years and inspiration is unlikely to strike soon. “Oh, years ago the muse left me,” she admits, perhaps an unfortunate by-product of finding happiness with her third husband Dr Mitch Besser. “I don’t know that I had to be unhappy to write, but I often was unhappy and the feelings were predominantly painful, sad and melancholic. There is a beauty in that, without question.” Lennox recently took to the Sadler’s Wells stage for An Evening of Music and Conversation – her first solo show in London for many years. For somebody so familiar and ingrained in popular culture she does her best to keep away from the public eye. Lennox told the Sunday Times magazine: “I tried to avoid red carpets and keep my head down. This whole world of celebrity they talk about now, it’s completely vacuous. I can’t stand the star bullshit. I’ve realised over the years just how uncomfortable it makes me feel.” The star’s solo albums Diva and Medusa were recently reissued on vinyl.
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