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Clay Shooting Magazine June 2013 Edizione posteriore

28 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
With so many competitions and events having taken place in the past few months, this June issue of Clay Shooting reports the drama that took place at the ISSF World Cups in Al Ain and Acapulco, the DR/DTL British Open, the Essex Masters, and bundles more.
We offer some sound research into the various methods of essential hearing protection, and dig into the closets of the finest clothing companies to recommend shooting vests for the summer season.
Vic Harker continues his quest for the finest second-hand gun available, Richard Atkins tests the REVO Onyx Sporter, and editor Wes Stanton visits the Oxford Gun Company to shoot with a gun that belonged to perhaps the most famous shooter of all time.
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Clay Shooting

June 2013 With so many competitions and events having taken place in the past few months, this June issue of Clay Shooting reports the drama that took place at the ISSF World Cups in Al Ain and Acapulco, the DR/DTL British Open, the Essex Masters, and bundles more. We offer some sound research into the various methods of essential hearing protection, and dig into the closets of the finest clothing companies to recommend shooting vests for the summer season. Vic Harker continues his quest for the finest second-hand gun available, Richard Atkins tests the REVO Onyx Sporter, and editor Wes Stanton visits the Oxford Gun Company to shoot with a gun that belonged to perhaps the most famous shooter of all time.

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Issue Cover

Clay Shooting  |  June 2013  

With so many competitions and events having taken place in the past few months, this June issue of Clay Shooting reports the drama that took place at the ISSF World Cups in Al Ain and Acapulco, the DR/DTL British Open, the Essex Masters, and bundles more.
We offer some sound research into the various methods of essential hearing protection, and dig into the closets of the finest clothing companies to recommend shooting vests for the summer season.
Vic Harker continues his quest for the finest second-hand gun available, Richard Atkins tests the REVO Onyx Sporter, and editor Wes Stanton visits the Oxford Gun Company to shoot with a gun that belonged to perhaps the most famous shooter of all time.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Clay Shooting Magazine is the UK's only independent magazine for clay shooters. Every 4-weeks you will find reviews and reports on the clay shooting scene, as well as technical information of interest to competitors and casual shooters of all levels. It contains up-to-the-moment news, gun reviews and analysis as well as full listings of results and fixtures from around the UK so you'll always know when the next competition is. And don’t forget, Clay Shooting supports the sport where it matters by running the Clay Shooter of the Year Awards, the British Schools and Young Shots Championships, and the Clay Shooting Classic Sporting!

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Basato su 28 Recensioni dei clienti
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Clay Shooting

magazine delivery continues to be miserable Recensito 03 febbraio 2021

Clay Shooting

Get suggestions on clay shooting after Covid19 eg foot switches for trap release shooter score cards etc. Recensito 05 aprile 2020

Good Read

This is a very good magazine with interesting articles Recensito 23 settembre 2014

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