Clay Shooting  |  June 2013
With so many competitions and events having taken place in the past few months, this June issue of Clay Shooting reports the drama that took place at the ISSF World Cups in Al Ain and Acapulco, the DR/DTL British Open, the Essex Masters, and bundles more.
We offer some sound research into the various methods of essential hearing protection, and dig into the closets of the finest clothing companies to recommend shooting vests for the summer season.
Vic Harker continues his quest for the finest second-hand gun available, Richard Atkins tests the REVO Onyx Sporter, and editor Wes Stanton visits the Oxford Gun Company to shoot with a gun that belonged to perhaps the most famous shooter of all time.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Clay Shooting June 2013.