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Coarse Angling Today Magazine 130 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
The Latest Coarse Angling Today (Issue 130) is now avilable and has the following great features...

Dominic Garnett - Big Mouths & Dry Flies
Danny Johnson - Challenging Times
Peg One Think Tank - The Start Of The Season
Alan Stagg - Big Bream From Big Pits
Clint Walker - The Mini Method
Tony Miles - Understanding Streams
Bill Rushmers - The 'Pin
Chris Ball - 30 Minutes with Matt Hayes

Plus: Fox International's Where's the Catch? Competition, Spezzie Watch, Tackled Up, Reviews, Letters and Press Releases, plus loads more.
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Coarse Angling Today

130 The Latest Coarse Angling Today (Issue 130) is now avilable and has the following great features... Dominic Garnett - Big Mouths & Dry Flies Danny Johnson - Challenging Times Peg One Think Tank - The Start Of The Season Alan Stagg - Big Bream From Big Pits Clint Walker - The Mini Method Tony Miles - Understanding Streams Bill Rushmers - The 'Pin Chris Ball - 30 Minutes with Matt Hayes Plus: Fox International's Where's the Catch? Competition, Spezzie Watch, Tackled Up, Reviews, Letters and Press Releases, plus loads more.

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Singolo numero arretrato digitale 130
3,49 / issue
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Issue Cover

Coarse Angling Today  |  130  

The Latest Coarse Angling Today (Issue 130) is now avilable and has the following great features...

Dominic Garnett - Big Mouths & Dry Flies
Danny Johnson - Challenging Times
Peg One Think Tank - The Start Of The Season
Alan Stagg - Big Bream From Big Pits
Clint Walker - The Mini Method
Tony Miles - Understanding Streams
Bill Rushmers - The 'Pin
Chris Ball - 30 Minutes with Matt Hayes

Plus: Fox International's Where's the Catch? Competition, Spezzie Watch, Tackled Up, Reviews, Letters and Press Releases, plus loads more.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Coarse Angling Today broke the mould for coarse fishing magazines in the UK when it launched in 2001. Prior to the advent of Coarse Angling Today all magazines for the coarse fisherman wanting to improve their fishing techniques had become almost dominated by a total coverage of carp fishing.

However, we realised that a more distinctive and specialised approach to coarse fishing magazines was required. An approach which gave total prominence to fishing for coarse fish species like barbel, tench, roach, bream, grayling and more. Our competitors have struggled to catch up ever since as we show them that not every coarse angler is only interested in carp, and that the modern coarse fisherman is just as likely to target other species.

Learn the skills of the UK’s experts as they go in search of a mixture of species and keep abreast of the news from within the trade. You can even get your hands on the latest products through our regular competitions, including our highly respected Where's the Catch? and Junior Angling Stars competitions.

If you want to catch the biggest specimens in your lake and be much more consistent with your results, then this mag is for you!

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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
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Coarse Angling Today 158 158 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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