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Construction Europe Magazine October 2016 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
With the 30th edition of Samoter coming up, Giovanni Mantovani of
Veronafiere tells Sandy Guthrie about the gamble of the first show, and
how confident he is about the 2017 incarnation

A breaker is a much more subtle tool than it was a few years ago. CE’s Sandy Guthrie and Steve Ducker, editor of Demolition & Recycling International, take a look at some of the latest developments

Europe apparently has a particular fondness for wheeled excavators.
Sandy Guthrie digs into this segment of the market which has seen numerous releases during the course of this year

Companies are looking at ways to improve their pump products already
on the market, as well as adding to their portfolios of dewatering pumps.
Joe Malone investigates the latest news from this sector
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Construction Europe

October 2016 SAMOTER With the 30th edition of Samoter coming up, Giovanni Mantovani of Veronafiere tells Sandy Guthrie about the gamble of the first show, and how confident he is about the 2017 incarnation BREAKERS A breaker is a much more subtle tool than it was a few years ago. CE’s Sandy Guthrie and Steve Ducker, editor of Demolition & Recycling International, take a look at some of the latest developments EXCAVATORS Europe apparently has a particular fondness for wheeled excavators. Sandy Guthrie digs into this segment of the market which has seen numerous releases during the course of this year PUMPS Companies are looking at ways to improve their pump products already on the market, as well as adding to their portfolios of dewatering pumps. Joe Malone investigates the latest news from this sector

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Issue Cover

Construction Europe  |  October 2016  

With the 30th edition of Samoter coming up, Giovanni Mantovani of
Veronafiere tells Sandy Guthrie about the gamble of the first show, and
how confident he is about the 2017 incarnation

A breaker is a much more subtle tool than it was a few years ago. CE’s Sandy Guthrie and Steve Ducker, editor of Demolition & Recycling International, take a look at some of the latest developments

Europe apparently has a particular fondness for wheeled excavators.
Sandy Guthrie digs into this segment of the market which has seen numerous releases during the course of this year

Companies are looking at ways to improve their pump products already
on the market, as well as adding to their portfolios of dewatering pumps.
Joe Malone investigates the latest news from this sector
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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
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High quality

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A great read

Highly informative about construction all over Europe Recensito 25 aprile 2022

Great free mag for construction industry

Great free mag for construction industry Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Construction news at its best

Great interesting read with independent and trustworthy editorial. Recensito 08 giugno 2018

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