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Crafty Carper Magazine 166 Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
The pick of the crop this month include Ali Hamidi on this month?s front cover with a cracking Brasenose One mirror. Frank Warwick passes on his words of wisdom with a detailed look into fishing for carp of all sizes with a method feeder. Mark Bryant is bang on the baiting game with his red hot advice on how to bait up to catch the bigguns. Big carp specialist Jerry Hammond?s session on Church Pool draws to a close but the action hasn?t stopped just there. The 48 hours boys visit one of the UK?s premier day ticket waters ? Thorney Weir, find out everything about their session inside. The Crafty team get out and about and abuse of the best distance-casting rods in the business to see which one came out on top. There?s also loads more from the all the experts including Julian Cundiff, Rob Hughes, Simon Crow and Mark Pitchers. Check it out! BOOM!
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Crafty Carper

166 The pick of the crop this month include Ali Hamidi on this month?s front cover with a cracking Brasenose One mirror. Frank Warwick passes on his words of wisdom with a detailed look into fishing for carp of all sizes with a method feeder. Mark Bryant is bang on the baiting game with his red hot advice on how to bait up to catch the bigguns. Big carp specialist Jerry Hammond?s session on Church Pool draws to a close but the action hasn?t stopped just there. The 48 hours boys visit one of the UK?s premier day ticket waters ? Thorney Weir, find out everything about their session inside. The Crafty team get out and about and abuse of the best distance-casting rods in the business to see which one came out on top. There?s also loads more from the all the experts including Julian Cundiff, Rob Hughes, Simon Crow and Mark Pitchers. Check it out! BOOM!

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Issue Cover

Crafty Carper  |  166  

The pick of the crop this month include Ali Hamidi on this month?s front cover with a cracking Brasenose One mirror. Frank Warwick passes on his words of wisdom with a detailed look into fishing for carp of all sizes with a method feeder. Mark Bryant is bang on the baiting game with his red hot advice on how to bait up to catch the bigguns. Big carp specialist Jerry Hammond?s session on Church Pool draws to a close but the action hasn?t stopped just there. The 48 hours boys visit one of the UK?s premier day ticket waters ? Thorney Weir, find out everything about their session inside. The Crafty team get out and about and abuse of the best distance-casting rods in the business to see which one came out on top. There?s also loads more from the all the experts including Julian Cundiff, Rob Hughes, Simon Crow and Mark Pitchers. Check it out! BOOM!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Welcome to Crafty Carper monthly carp fishing magazine – a magazine which focuses on the technical aspects of carp fishing. This is the ideal read for anglers who want to learn how to catch more carp, or even that personal best or target carp. Each month Crafty Carper links up with top UK anglers on the bank and uncovers the methods and secrets behind the most impressive catch results of the moment. We show you how to catch the bigger fish in a venue and what bait and methods to use, we’ll show you the best carp rigs to achieve this in easy to follow step-by-step guides! Crafty Carper also features plenty of tackle reviews to keep you up to date on all the latest carp fishing gear and bait available and the Ticketmaster feature highlights 4 day ticket fisheries each issue so you’ll never have trouble finding the perfect venue. Packed full of competitions and Q & As, this is the only carp mag you’ll ever need! We’ve been helping anglers all over the UK catch more carp for nearly 15 years so improve your catch rate and get Crafty!

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
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One word .... addictive

I purcase here old issues of Crafty Carper and i was hooked immediately :) ... and now i am addicted.
Recensito 09 febbraio 2015

Very enjoyable magazine!

This is my first time reading a crafty carper and it is very diverse with a lot of different content from all areas of carping. Got to love an online magazine as it is a ton cheaper than shipping overseas. Recensito 30 gennaio 2013

waawww, to the point artickles, very usefull Recensito 19 febbraio 2012

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